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world of warcraft addons

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Sorkuntza: 17/05/2011 09:50
Eguneratu: 20/07/2011 09:20
Artikuluak 46
Bisitak aste 98223
Total bisitak 2702

wowaddons :: World of warcraft addons

Beste blogs: titanbuyer

United States - pomgroz
Kargua: 52/56779 bazkideak

Elementuak dira, zaharrenetik berriena ordenatuko!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Internet cafe technology commissioner - 24/06/2011 03:44

Company name : Bo networking it Co., Ltd.
Job : Network management
Recruitment number : 20
Experience : no
Education : High school
Salary : Negotiable
Country : Denver
Details can be into the Company's website wow gold(


Job profile/outline
The company is a chain of Internet cafes Management Limited, its currently 52 Internet cafes. Recruitment is now with the network technician. Are interested, please look carefully at the requirements. (Know some basic commands, copy disk, system restore) process is as follows, the company selected through an interview out of the more outstanding to the company following the software company (I8 system) to learn a week to a month, to understand our system software with your people products. That are interested in friends, learn well, then if you can choose to stay there to do in the software department technician. After learning the company will arrange to work the following Internet cafes in the network. Basic salary is 1400, food, accommodation. Interested parties please bring resume directly to the cyber Computer City 8022 8th Floor report Yin Teng technology training.