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world of warcraft addons

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wowaddons :: World of warcraft addons

Այլ Օրագրեր: titanbuyer

United States - pomgroz
Դիրք: 51/56779 Անդամներ

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: Begin to understand the world of warcraft task assistant plugin - 30/05/2011 05:21

World of Warcraft is the currently most popular MMORPG with over 10 million subscribers which is equivalent more than half of the entire MMORPG market. One of the reasons why people stay subscribed to this massive Blizzard title is because of the thousands of quests that you can do. Some of these quests are easy for starters to pick up while others are reserved for the highest level players that really want huge challenges. In order to really develop your character, getting as many quests done as possible is necessary and that takes time unless you use WoW quest helper addons.

There are lots of players that need help with quests and they do not want to go through a huge guide because that guide would have to be super long just to cover all the quests. The WoW quest helper addons fully integrate with the game and only show the necessary quest information when needed. These types of addons became so much in demand that there are plenty of guides out there today. Here are just three of the most popular addons.


The QuestHelper addon is likely to be the first quest helper addon that people will try because of its attractive name. It also happens to be a free which is good considering the may wow gold quest helper addons that you need to purchaseon . This addon aims to you finish quests in the fastest time possible while making it easy for you as well. It features some calculations that can help you generate a sure path to completing all of the quests quickly while gaining experience too. It also includes a database of monsters and items in addition to quests so you can better find the right items and slay the right mobs to grow your character so you can better handle future quests. This addon updates often and is compatible with the Cataclysm expansion.

Zygor Guide

When it comes to paid World of Warcraft Addons, the Zygor Guide is one of the top choices because of its long legacy. It has existed since the early World of Warcraft Strategy days and continues to be refined to make sure that new players turn into professional WoW gurus. The Zygor Guide is primarily a leveling guide which is designed to guide you from level 1 all the way up to level 85 providing that you have all expansion packs installed up to Cataclysm. This is still classified as a quest helper addon because part of the leveling up involves questing. While progressing through the quests, Zygor guide gives advisories on how to best build your character based on your gameplay style making it one of the best paid addons out there .


Carbonite is also a paid addon but the payment is more of a donation so you can decide how much you are willing to pay for this quest addon. This addon is also very good because its foundation was made by several veterans of the game. It comes complete with a refined UI and a Google Maps interface along with a quest watcher where you can keep an eye on as many quests as you like.

Only one warcraft addon can helps you leveling and make wow gold quickly so it is best to try out the QuestHelper addon if you specifically need help with quests.