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world of warcraft addons

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wowaddons :: World of warcraft addons

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Стаття: Recovery appropriate addon to help your in world of warcraft - 08/06/2011 10:31

Although the World of Warcraft UI itself has certainly come leaps and bounds, the fact of the matter is that if you want to get the most out of the game, you’re still going to want to look for addons that help simplify various tasks.

Honestly speaking, these addons come in a wide range of varieties right now, but the important thing to focus on initially is this: What type of addons do you think will help smooth out your experience?

Here are a few types of addons that you could think wow gold( about for starters:

1. Quest and fast Levelling help

Basically, these addons are focused on helping people to level, and so they often contain tips that do just that. For example, a good addon of this variety might instantly pop up with a minimap icon of where you’re supposed to go to complete the quest.

Granted, some people don’t like to be told this, but on the whole it could save you from a lot of aimless wandering around if you have these types of addons at your fingertips.

2. Information addons

Honestly, there’s so much information to keep track that you can’t be expected to really remember it all by yourself!

Due to this, now there are various addons that help players store a ton of information, ranging from things such as Auctioneer for auction house prices, right on to Gatherer, to keep track of herb and mine spawn points.

3. Gameplay assistance

Finally, the third type of addon worth looking into would be those that help with gameplay.

Some of these are fairly simple, such as timers to count how long your enemies are going to stay sheeped (important for mages), or help to keep your totems organized (for shamans) and so on.

Frankly you’d be amazed just how much difference a simple little addon can make, and very often some of these types of addons could be the difference between life and death!

Go ahead and check the internet for world of warcraft addons. All in all you should find them with no problem, and once you do you’ll definitely be astounded by the variety available.

Now that you know the three main types of addons available, you should have no problem picking out what you need wow gold( from the lists that you’re going to come across. Mix and match addons to your taste – so long as you’er happy with it!