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Створення: 17/05/2011 09:50
Оновлення: 20/07/2011 09:20
Статті 46
Візити тиждень 98227
Всього відвідувань 2702

wowaddons :: World of warcraft addons

Інші блоги: titanbuyer

United States - pomgroz
Положення: 53/56779 Користувачі

Елементи відсортовані від найстаріших до найостанніших!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Стаття: Teacher recruitment - 16/06/2011 08:03

Elementary and Secondary

The Central Québec School Board (CQSB) offers English-language education in the Capitale nationale, Mauricie, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean, Thetford Mines, Chibougamau and Schefferville regions. The CQSB proudly serves an elementary, secondary, adult and vocational education population of approximately 5,000 students with a total annual budget nearing 60 million dollars. The CQSB is recognized provincially as an innovative leader and offers a work environment that is both motivating and enriching.

All candidates must have a valid teaching permit issued by the Minister of Education, Leisure and Sports (or be eligible to obtain one). Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English is essential. Knowledge of spoken and written French would be an asset.

Apply on-line wow gold( in the “employment opportunities” section and complete an electronic application.
You will be attributed a candidate number*


By e-mail and mention on your resume your teaching fields and the region(s) that interest you. A list of our schools is available on our web site wow gold(

*To make your job application complete, make sure to supply, either by e-mail or regular mail**, indicating “Teacher recuitment 2011-2012”, copies of your school transcripts, diplomas, proof of teaching qualifications and, if applicable, a proof of citizenship/permanent residency or a valid work permit and your candidate number, if you have applied on-line.

Pre-selection telephone interviews will be held in the middle of June 2011 for retained candidates only.

All applications are treated in a confidential manner
The central quebec school board is an equal opportunity wow gold( employer and encourages applications from women,members of visible and ethnic minoritles, abordiginal people and persons with disabilities.